Using 1-800 Notify will help your organization run more smoothly (fewer no-shows, less staff busy work), improve financial performance (fuller schedules, increased patient payments, more patients from wellness/recalls) and help improve patient health and satisfaction (appointment reminders, wellness messages, lab work reminders, recall reminders).
Reduce Patient No-Shows

You will see the most dramatic no-show reductions when your staff was not able to manually remind every patient every day before using us. Some of our clients see as high as a 70% reduction in no-shows.
100% of Patients Reminded Every Day
The simple truth of starting to reliably remind every single patient of their appointments every day will help reduce no-shows.Keep in mind that a single no-show avoided will usually pay for the entire cost of our reminder service for the month.
Patients Hear Human Voices, in their Own Language
Whether your patients speak English or Spanish, they receive professionally recorded messages. Patients are more likely to listen to the complete message and come to their appointments.
Multiple Reminders Different Types (Call, Text or Email)
Patients can choose to receive a call, text or email reminder. Sometimes you might want to send more than one reminder to a patient for example a call 2 or 3 days ahead, then a simple text message the day before.
Increase Your Revenue
You will see revenue enhancements from our appointment reminder and our recall / wellness services. The level of benefit will depend on your particular patient population and services, but it will be many times our fees.
No-Show Reduction Improves Revenue
With reliable reminders, if you were able to reduce no-shows by just 7 per day and each visit was worth an average of $75 revenue, you would see an increase of over $100,000 per year in revenue.
Recall and Wellness Messages Will Bring In More Patients
Using our Recall or Wellness messages can bring in patients past due for check-ups, or who need to come in for a visit. Adding just 3 patients a day ($75 average visit revenue) can add up to over $50,000 per year.
Automatically Reach No-Show Patients
If you still have a few no-shows, our Missed Appointment Notices will help your staff effortlessly call or text every patient who was a no-show. Adding just a few patients every day to your schedules can add thousands of dollars of revenue every year.

Calling Patients will Increase Payments

100% Patients Reminded to Pay Bill By Phone
Patient responsibility is growing larger deductibles and co-pays. You need a solution to affordably collect more from your patients automated billing calls to reach 100% of your patients compared to reaching just a hand full today.
A Call Is More Effective Than A Paper Statement
Sending an additional paper statement is working less and less. That paper gets shuffled to the bottom of the stack. Sometimes all it takes to get a patient to pay their bill is a polite billing reminder call or text message.
Call Often and Early In The Cycle
Typically, with limited staff, you might only be able to call 15% of highest balance patients who are 90 or 120 days past due. Changing your approach to call 100% of your patients early in the cycle will have dramatic improvements in patient payments.
More Ways to Pay, More Payments
Over 70% of patients are used to paying their bills online. Offering self-service 24 x 7 payment options will dramatically increase patient payments.
Online Payment Portal Is Expected Today
Patients pay their utility, cable TV and just about any bill today online. Why not offer them a payment option available 24 hours a day 7 days a week. You will receive more payments.
Offer Auto Pay by Phone Options
Print your dedicated 800 number on your statements, connect to it from your phone system and leave it on voice messages. Your patients can complete a credit card payment in just about 1 minute, is secure and availabe 24 hours a day. Better yet, it frees your staff from having to manually take and process cards.
Over 70% of Patients Use Web Payments

Improve Patient Satisfaction

Patients appreciate not missing things because of reliable reminders, they appreciate being healthier because of your wellness and recall reminders. They like that your staff pays more attention to them and responds faster to requests.
Never Forget an Appointment or To Get Lab Work Done
Patients appreciate (and expect) to receive reliable appointment reminders. When you also remind them to get their scheduled lab work done, they are even more happy.
Patients Are Healthier With Wellness and Recall Messages
Patients are healthier when you remind them to do their annual check-up, annual well woman visit, or eye exam. They like to know when the flu shot is available. They like to know when they should be coming back in for their chronic disease check-up.
They Like That Your Staff is More Attentive and Responsive
Patients appreciate being able to get your staff live on the phone (instead of a busy signal or being put on hold for a long time). Taking away the busy work of manual reminder calls, will free your staff to be more attentive and responsive to your patients.
Make Your Staff Happier
Your staff will be happier by using 1-800 Notify services. Reducing the busy work of manual appointment reminder calls will both make them happier and more available to attend to your patients.
Remove the Most Dreaded Job of the Day
Even though they won t eaily tell you, the daily manual reminder calls are the most dreaded job of the day. And, if your staff gets busy, it is the thing that is left to the end of the day and may not get done at all. Removing this daily onerous task will go a long way to improving the mood of your staff.
More Time to Take Care of Patients
Taking away an hour or more of manual calling patients, will give your staff more time to greet patients, answer the phone and more quickly respond to patient requests. Your staff is happier when they can take care of patients without being stressed about other jobs.
More Even Work Load for Doctors and Staff
With fuller schedules and patients arriving more prepared for their appointments (because they were reminded to get lab work done, bring insurance cards, co-pays, and anything else important), you and your staff can have more productive, busy and fulfiling days.